More than 4.5 million strong, professional caregivers serve a vital role while serving on the front lines of the American healthcare system. You’ll find direct caregivers assisting clients and patients in hospitals, nursing homes, residential care homes, clinics, and private residences. When you’re a caregiver, doing the same job day in and day out for years can put a damper on your spark and passion. Fortunately, there are several ways to rekindle the fire you once had while climbing the career ladder, starting with those that follow.
Set Clear Goals for Your Caregiving Career
Whether your goal is losing weight or making more money, having something to work towards is motivating and encouraging. Knowing where you want to be one year, five years, or even ten years down the line can help ensure that you’ll do what it takes now to get there.
Whatever your caregiving goals, rather than merely thinking about them, consider what you’ll need to do – and when – to achieve them. For instance, becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) so you can open new career doors may require additional training.
Find a Caregiving Mentor
There is nothing more valuable in the professional world than having a mentor who can take you under their wing and show you the ropes. Every caregiver faces different situations depending on where they work and what they do. Choose someone with the experience and insight to guide you where you need to be.
Seek Additional Responsibilities
Some caregivers end up in a career rut because they never ask for more challenging roles. If your workplace doesn’t offer any training or networking opportunities, ask for them or seek them elsewhere. If you are eager to embrace more responsibilities because you professionally feel capable of doing so, volunteer to take them on before being asked.
Bottom line: Demonstrating to management that you are a dedicated, reliable worker will more often than not get you the career break you deserve!
Welcome Constructive Feedback
Nobody likes to be criticized in the workplace, including caregivers. However, constructive feedback is a useful tool when trying to learn, grow, and progress. It lets you know areas you are excelling in, along with those that need work.
Rather than taking it personally, use feedback as a motivational tool to improve your performance. Write down the things you need to do to get better so you can remember them later and strive to achieve them during your next home visit or shift.
Specialize in Your Caregiving Career
There are many career paths to take in the caregiving industry and all deal with different aspects of patient or client care. Becoming an expert in a specific field, for instance, pediatrics or dementia care could help you progress up the career ladder much faster. Find an area of caregiving that you are genuinely passionate about, one with the potential for you to excel and get noticed.
Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
No caregiver is perfect, and things in the healthcare world always go wrong. Instead of shying away from your mistakes, admit them, learn from them, and correct them. Then, avoid making the same mistake again.
As they say, “The road to success is always under construction,” and there will most certainly be potholes along the way. Trying – and not being afraid to fail – is the best approach to growing and improving in your profession. Learn from your mistakes by asking for guidance, finding an effective solution, and applying it successfully.
Reignite Your Caregiving Career at Caring at Home in Scranton and Carbondale
If you are ready to make a difference in the lives of others by serving as a professional home caregiver, Caring at Home invites you to join our winning team. Due to our expanding client load, we are currently seeking qualified individuals to fill several exciting caregiving positions. While proudly serving communities in Lakewood, Solon, and more we support clients and their families with home care services that include personal care, respite care, private duty care, 24-hour care, Alzheimer’s and dementia care, and more.
As a highly valued member of the Caring at Home team, you’ll enjoy a fast-paced, positive work environment where your input is valued and hard work rewarded. We also offer competitive pay, flexible scheduling, ongoing staff training, and career advancement opportunities galore. No matter your experience level or education, we’d love to hear from you! To learn more about our open positions, please visit us today at